Nonverbals of a Great Leader

Tezender Singh
5 min readMay 21, 2022


Leader’s significance

Time has produced significant many great leaders, inspiring masses with their vision to see the world with different perspective and produce significant changes occasionally. This has transformed the lives of many individuals and we are privileged enough to enjoy the freedom they cultivated for us. It’s our time to devote ourselves for the future generations. Offer greatness and better world for the younger and upcoming generations to live and prosper with harmony.

Today’s leader

Its all the efforts of visionary minds of the great leaders communicating and promoting their visions with their both verbal and non-verbal skills of communication. Let us have a quick glance at a few of their special non-verbal qualities.

The most significant qualities of a great leader include the power of their public-speaking skills and developing healthy culture across their networks. A leader not only communicate through words, they also inspire visionary minds and attract like-minded ones with their own visionary mindset through different channels of communication in public-speaking. They empower their words by congruent actions, mission and perseverance to bring their vision to reality.

Great Leader

Communication , both verbal and non-verbal together contribute to build trust, inspire and influence like-minded people as a source of attraction magnet. Many extra-ordinary public speakers have impact of their body-language in people’s sub-conscious minds and they tend to relate the belief-system of the speakers with their own.

Public Speaking

People trust the leaders when they realize them discussing the same cause as their own, finding them talking and caring for people’s benefits and betterment. People try to up rise their burried helping and progressing intentions, considering leader’s voice to be their own and start to work towards a mission to give reality to their vision. Every individual get to relate his actual situation with the one discussed by the inspiring leaders, mostly non-verbal of the speakers influence people’s sub-conscious mind as a long lasting impact of speech.

This builds up the community of like-minded people working hard towards the same cause or belief forming a strong network.

Concerned Speech

The role of the non-verbal in helping great leaders to impart his belief among people is highly significant. This separates a great leader from other speakers. They successfully win people’s heart, trust and loyalty towards them. Their confidence, dominance, leading attitude, and intentions are significantly delivered to common people’s sub-conscious mind through their non-verbal or gestures. Non-verbal compliments the speech with proper gestures transforming it into people’s imaginations.

Body language is a natural channel of Marketing our thoughts and vision.

active hands of Colin Powell

Hands in active position builds the public-speaking repertoire. Hands and body gestures emphasize the words. Strong visible hands, tactile activities make every efforts to ensure that people understand them.

hands steepling (thumbs up)

Good TEDx speaker usually tends to have their hands steepling (with thumbs up) in front of them. It conveys others their commitment to what they are thinking and saying. Thumbs up and out, direct face-to-face contact, delighted eyes, congruent head movements and the verbal emphasis like voice, pitch tone, repetition immediately supports their honest speech, thoughts, true sentiments along with many gravity-defying behaviors promoting their confidence are considered as the emblem of emphasis.

Public Speaking

The attuned non-verbal to others is to “care” about their feelings. The verbal of great leader often has a unique start of their sentences with “ I believe” phrase heard most frequently in public-speaking.

Erect Posture

Appearance has always been a major part of building an impactful impression. Great leaders always believe in proper appearance, clothing, preening and grooming for themselves.

A leaning torso makes the speakers more concerned and attentive about any particular audiences, it shows their open-minded and caring thoughts. Torso bowing is a better form of respecting with humility building up great environment for showing gratitude.

Leader giving a speech

Their equally balanced sharp shoulder rise shows their equality and trust. Some speakers prefer to have free feet movements showing genuine interest and intention of involvement with the audience. More of comforting touch induces involvement of feelings mostly observed when speakers are really humble. Some other outstanding characteristics include their relaxed forehead and muscles, fully emerging lips, side-tilt head, arched eyebrows, a positive eye-gaze, crinkling outer edges of the eyes when smiling genuinely keeping chin-up.


These nonverbal can be adapted by genuine people and monitored sub-consciously to give a visionary leader an edge over other speakers. Following these practices are of genuine interests to a good communication with any audiences.



Tezender Singh

Student 🚸Mentor for today's struggling 👨‍🦱youths || Performance Marketing Specialist || Public Speaker